Wednesday, February 6, 2008

Super Fat Tuesday!

Ah, Super Tuesday. What more satisfying day for the political junkie? Plenty of candidates, lots of states: much more fun than Election Day, because there's still a satisfying stretch of months.

High school civics classes need to step up their efforts, though, or local news stations do, because apparently many people are wrongly convinced that Super Tuesday is when everyone votes. This story elaborates on this misconception, though I feel the title of "Dumbocracy" is a little unfair. Super Tuesday is massively hyped and talked about. Other states aren't. The fact that there are primary competitions of some sort until June is hardly discussed at all.

Last time there was a presidential election, I got to caucus in Iowa, which was satisfying. Casting my ballot yesterday was good too. Look at me: I'm in a state which (almost) matters! As if there was ever any doubt that Arkansas would go to Clinton and Huckabee. Still, I was glued to's Election Center all night, just for the thrill of it.

This year's goign to be a corker, and no doubt about it. Hard-fought Democratic primaries! The right wondering whether it ought to gnaw its arm off rather than support McCain! Drama drama drama! It's almost a good thing that there's a writers' strike on - all the networks have to offer is election coverage (and reality tv, but let's be serious: I'd rather see a candidate catfight, even if there aren't bikinis or proposals of marriage). On the other hand, no Indecision 2008, or little of it. Can't win them all, as the candidates have learned.

Although maybe somebody could have swept it, if only they'd started flashing for votes in the grand tradition of Mardi Gras. Show us something!

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